Friday 10 December 2021

Art Coloring Book

This is my art that I coloured from the summer learning journey. This is what my whole class room did. It is really fun to do, you can do any colour. When you have chosen your colour, you click on to where ever you want. Also you can chose any picture.

Monday 6 December 2021

North island brown Kiwi

North island Brown Kiwi

They North island brown kiwi eat earthworms, beetles, snails, crayfish, insects, fruits and berries.

The North island Kiwi lives near the North island and Coromandel. 

Long tailed bats from the bird of the year of 2021

The long tailed bats live in the North of the North island through to the western South island and south to Halfmoon bay on Stewart island.

Friday 12 November 2021

Caged Animals

 This is my 'The Black Hat' caged animals. We had to think what they would miss the most and what they would do if they were set free.    

Friday 1 October 2021


 Room 4 have been maths over the weeks like Independent maths, prototec and beat the  clock. My favorite one is beat the clock It is my times tables. I am on my four times tables. I think I am doing really well on my maths. On my tims tables I have done m twos, fives, tens and nines. It is really fun.


Today we went to music and we used our violins we were playing pizzicato. The first thing that we did was we put rozen on our bows to make it white. Then we got our bows and we did the same thing when we were doing pizzicato. Next Fran said to me to come over and hold the ukulele because she couldn't hold all three insremints. She sowed us the pinpoints on the ukulele and on the guitar but it Wasn't on the violen. Then we went back to class.

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Being in Room 3

 On Wednesday the Year 5’s went in room 3 because the year sixes went on camp to El Rancho with our teacher Whaea Annie.

When the bell rang we went in to room 3 and we sat down on the mat. Our teacher Whaea Kelsie did the roll for room 3 then room 4.

Next Whaea Kelsie said that we could do some Kaitiakitanga or Boy in the Tower, she also said that we were going to do some art later and she called it marble art. 

I did some Kaitiakitanga while I waited for Whaea Kelsie to get the art ready.

She started to call up peoples names. When she called out my name I had to write my name on a piece of paper and put it in the tray. First we had to put three colours of paint on our piece of paper, you could put the paint any where. I put it on the sides, the colours that I used was blue, red and yellow. Then you dip a marble in one of the colours. When you put the marble in you pick up the tray and roll it around. 

It was really fun with Whaea Kelsie because she did really fun stuff with us.

When I did my Art I put it in room 4 and put it on the newspaper. After we did our art we could do some drawing or we could do silent reading.

Friday 10 September 2021

Heading back to shcool

In lockdown when it was level 4 our teacher whaea Annie came to our house to drop off our chrombooks. The next day I went to our class website at 9: 30 am for our class meeting. When I got on my chrombook I went on the class meeting when I got on Whaea Annie started to do the morning roll. I saw all of my friend on the meeting. Then some people did some kahoots jokes, and riddles. We also had some sleep ins and we didn't have to do any school work.

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Going to get my new bike

Tomorrow afternoon we are going to Paraparaumu to have a look at a new bike for me. In lockdown we went for lots of bike rides and my bike was a little bit too small for me. Online I searched for a bike and I found a bike that I liked. The colour of the bike is white and it it has Evo written on this side which is the colour Turquoise/Aqua. The bike is from Evo Cycles. It is now the next day and we have been to see the bike. The man put the seat down for me and I hopped on it and had a ride around. It was the perfect size for me so we payed for one. The shop are going to call us so we can go and pick it up when they have made a new one for me. We went and had some tea and drove back home. I am excited to go for a bike ride with it and see how fast I can go. When we pick it up on the weekend we are going to bye a new helmet for me. On my old helmet the back piece that you tighten has broken off.

Friday 3 September 2021

Typing jungle

This is my typing jungle and my level I am on. typing jungle is really usfull because it helps you to get good at typing so I thing you should try it too. And it helps you learn where the keys are.

Going to Nana's for the afternoon

Yesterday I went to my nana’s to spend some time with her. She is in our bubble. I went there before lunch. When we had lunch we took a little table outside and some chairs we placed it on the grass. There was a tall fence so we put them where no one could see us. For lunch we had some steak, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and broccoli, we also had some gravy. I poured the gravy all over my food. When we were having lunch there were some bees flying around. I ran to the gate then I went back and sat down. Then we went back inside, we did the dishes. Nana found a little stump out side, she cut around it. Then when she was done I asked if we could make some pancakes. Nana said yes. I helped get all the stuff that we needed out of the cupboards. When she cooked one I put golden syrup on my pancake and then ate it while it was still hot. Then I helped her make more pancakes, nana put the stuff in the pan and I flipped them. Then we hade some pancakes and I had one and I had a Half with Nana. Then Dad came and we went back home.

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Bike ride

Today we are going on a big bike ride with our neighbour Heidi, she is in our bubble because she has no family close to where she lives. We are going to bike to the beach and show her the tracks were you can walk and bike, we will only show her were the starting of the tracks are. We are hopefully going to take some money so we can stop at the beach dairy. If I had enough money I would choose to get a coke and a chocolate bar and maybe some chips. Then we might go down to the beach and play with sticks, with the sticks we could use them to dig a hole and write on the sand. We will also go and feel the water to see how cold it is. When its time to home we would bike a different way then we get to see different things, and show Heidi more of Otaki because she has only lived for a few months. On the way home we had to bike down the long beach straight, then we went up mill road and across the Domain field. It was really hard to bike across the field I had to go into gear one it was a long way to get across the field. Then we biked home.

Thursday 26 August 2021

Things I miss in lockdown

I miss going to the pool’s with my friends and teaching them to dive. We dived down to get the toys that sink down to the bottom. When we got a bit cold we would go into the heated pool and play tag. It was deep at the end of the pool but when we get to the other side it get’s more shelow. Then we would go in to the big pool again because it would be more deep, we would jump in or I would dive in. It would be so cold and we would swim really fast to the edge of the pool. Then we would keep on diving and jumping into the deep end. Then we would see who could stay underwater the longest, they would win then I would win. Then we would get out and have a long hot shower and wash our hair with the soap that was there. We would wash our hair three times and then we would wash it all out and dry ourself. Then we would get dressed and go have KFC foe lunch and I would get spicy chicken wings, they would get chicken wings but not the spicy chicken. Then we would go home and we would go on the tramp and we would play kick ball, kick ball is exactly like ball tag bu you ca only use your feet. Then they would have to go at about 5’ 0 clock and we would hide in my dad’s bedroom and then he would check there first and then they would have to go.

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Favourite recipe


Tuesday 10 August 2021

The girl and the giraffe

 The girl was sad and heartbroken because she had let the giraffe go. The giraffe was super sad because he didn't want to leave without her. The leash that the girl was holding looked like a marshmallow and a candy cane. She was going to take him to the jungle. The girl was so sad when she let him go into the jungle. She didn't want him to go at all. Then she took the leash off him and she walked him into the jungle and found some other giraffes. He ran to the other giraffes and then she started crying and said goodbye.

Friday 30 July 2021

I won NZ Olympics

 I am at the Olympics for swimming And I came first. The next day I went to the hall in Wellington were he was  going to give the metals Out. He said that  the winner of the swimming competition is Kiara, Can you please come up here, ok I said. I was so excited I felt  like I was on cloud 9, then I walked up onto the podium, I got a gold metal. When  he put the metal on my neck it felt so amazing It was the best day of my life, I also had butterflies in my stomach. Then I went Back home and then I Hung it on to my bedroom wall. I was so proud of myself.  

Tuesday 27 July 2021

My holiday

 In the holidays on friday my cousins came over to stay at my Nana’s, thay came  from Australia. There names are Taylor and Iman. They stayed for a week and a half. On friday we went to Turangi  and  Tāupo. We woke up at six a clock in the morning because we wanted to get there and do some things. We said to Taylor that we would pick them up at seven a clock in the morning. In the van we had blankets and our pillows so we could have a nap. I was in the front with Iman, and my brother was in the back with Taylor. When we got to Turagi we had to wait to check out our room at two a clock but we Carried on to Tāupo. Then we went to the shops and bought me some earings because I lost my back pice of my earing. Then we went to another shop and my cousin Taylor bought a Tiki made out of wood, the eges were really smooth. Then we went to debreets were you can go in to really hot pools but they recommend that you can’t go under the green Coloured pools, but you can go under in the blue pool. When we got to debreets it was raining but we still went in because it was still really warm and hot. There are also two slides and there was this little play area for kids too. We went into the hottest pool and it was really hot. Then when we got to our room we unpacked our stuff, then we went to get takeaways for dinner. I got nachos and  my brother got pizza with my dad and Iman got a chicken rap, and Taylor got a burger. Then in the morning we got up got dressed and had our breakfast then Taylor and Iman came over.

Monday 26 July 2021

My voxel of The Boy In The Tower

This was an activity for Chapter Chat. I made this on voxel.


Tuesday 8 June 2021

Friday 7 May 2021

Paraparaumu Pools

In the holidays on Sunday after lunch I picked up my friend Meredith. We went to the pram pools and she did the swim test. She did backstroke and I did a bit of backstroke with her then I did freestyle and sometimes I said keep going . Then she had to tread water for a Minute I was treading water with her then we  went in the really deep end. I taught her how to dive then we saw who could stay under the water the longest. I Stayed under the water the longest then the next round she stayed under the water the longest it was so much fun. When we wanted to go in to the warm pool we saw who could swim the furthest with out breathing. I swam the longest then she swam the longest. Then we went back in the deep end the first thing that we did was we dived in then we stood on a board and we pretended to surf. then we hopped out and got changed then we went to MacDonald we got a frozen grape. Then we went to the skate park and we went on my roller blades and I learnt how to go down a hill for the first time. We went down a little hill the a bit bigger then we went down a big hill we didn't fall of. Then we went back home and we played Monopoly then we dropped her back home then we went back home.

Monday 12 April 2021

All About Me

 Hi my name is Kiara. I am 9 years old. I am from Ōtaki.

I have a sister, a brother and Mum and Dad. I have three pets at my mum’s. I have a dog called Charlie and a cat called Chance and a kitten called Yeti. My favourite sport is Netball My favourite games are tag, silent ball, and splash. The language that I speak is English. My hobbies are shopping, running and I love baking with my nana. My favourite thing to do is play with the kids that my dad looks after, because I like helping them. I like helping the little kids put their shoes on. I like normal music.