Friday 30 July 2021

I won NZ Olympics

 I am at the Olympics for swimming And I came first. The next day I went to the hall in Wellington were he was  going to give the metals Out. He said that  the winner of the swimming competition is Kiara, Can you please come up here, ok I said. I was so excited I felt  like I was on cloud 9, then I walked up onto the podium, I got a gold metal. When  he put the metal on my neck it felt so amazing It was the best day of my life, I also had butterflies in my stomach. Then I went Back home and then I Hung it on to my bedroom wall. I was so proud of myself.  

Tuesday 27 July 2021

My holiday

 In the holidays on friday my cousins came over to stay at my Nana’s, thay came  from Australia. There names are Taylor and Iman. They stayed for a week and a half. On friday we went to Turangi  and  Tāupo. We woke up at six a clock in the morning because we wanted to get there and do some things. We said to Taylor that we would pick them up at seven a clock in the morning. In the van we had blankets and our pillows so we could have a nap. I was in the front with Iman, and my brother was in the back with Taylor. When we got to Turagi we had to wait to check out our room at two a clock but we Carried on to Tāupo. Then we went to the shops and bought me some earings because I lost my back pice of my earing. Then we went to another shop and my cousin Taylor bought a Tiki made out of wood, the eges were really smooth. Then we went to debreets were you can go in to really hot pools but they recommend that you can’t go under the green Coloured pools, but you can go under in the blue pool. When we got to debreets it was raining but we still went in because it was still really warm and hot. There are also two slides and there was this little play area for kids too. We went into the hottest pool and it was really hot. Then when we got to our room we unpacked our stuff, then we went to get takeaways for dinner. I got nachos and  my brother got pizza with my dad and Iman got a chicken rap, and Taylor got a burger. Then in the morning we got up got dressed and had our breakfast then Taylor and Iman came over.

Monday 26 July 2021

My voxel of The Boy In The Tower

This was an activity for Chapter Chat. I made this on voxel.